
News from the last seven days · Newsletter # 132 · 23 October 2017

Celebration in Hungary
Celebration in Hungary
NOE, the largest family association of Hungary, has celebrated its 30th Anniversary in Budapest with many national authorities and international representatives.
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Should small children be banned from watching all screens?

France urges parents not to allow children under three to watch TV, and American pediatricians also favour a total ban on screen time until at least 18 months, but are they right?
[Fiachra Gibbons - Japan Today, 17 October 2017.]
Study shows teens’ bonds with parents impact future parenting

New research has put a spotlight on how adolescent girls' relationships with their parents can later affect their bonding experience with their own children.
[Medical XPress, 20 October 2017.]
Dining out with children

Getting ready for the restaurant excursion can help families avoid some of the common pitfalls.
[NRToday, 20 October 2017.]
Is it a good idea for parents accompany their children to college open days?

Most higher education institutions now organise talks and events for parents at open days.
[Peter McGuire - The Irish Times, 17 October 2017.]
Single-parenting is a hard job

Have you ever said, “Until you walk a mile in my shoes, don’t judge me?” That saying truly fits the stigma attached to some single parents.
[Jean Snow - Times Record News, 17 October 2017.]
Should children be heard in English family court cases?

Children, campaigners and some judges are calling for a change in the law so that children at the heart of family cases in England and Wales can talk in private to the judge if they so choose.
[Sanchia Berg - BBC News, 17 October 2017.]
UK: Record number of children seeking help for suicidal thoughts

Some 8% of Childline’s 295,000 counselling services last year were for youngsters with suicidal thoughts – the highest level ever recorded.
[Toby Meyjes - Metro, 17 October 2017.]
Judgemental families hinder rape survivors in seeking help

In Norway, some young persons who have been raped are met with a mix of accusations and shame when they tell their parents about what happened.
[Ida Kvittingen - ScienceNordic, 17 October 2017.]
‘No-deal’ Brexit likely to hit low-income families hardest

Sharp price rises could cost average household £260 a year if UK leaves EU without a trade deal while richest will be least affected.
[Larry Elliott and Lisa O’Carroll - The Guardian, 17 October 2017.]
World Population Ageing 2017 Highlights

This publication summarizes the key trends in population ageing drawn from the latest estimates and projections of population by age and sex.
[UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, October 2017.]
From heartbreak to healing

Through the power of a mother and the help of some music, experience a teenager’s heartbreak to healing transformation.
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